
Dr Kate McCullough MBBS BNurs GCCH FRACGP

Dr Kate is a Specialist General Practitioner and Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. She graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Sydney. She completed her internship and residency and then worked as a senior resident in emergency medicine before embarking on a career in general practice. Dr Kate was a registered nurse prior to completing medical school. She is passionate about womens’ health, perinatal care, breastfeeding medicine and paediatrics, and is an accredited practitioner in Neuroprotective Developmental Care (the Possums programs – ndcinstitute.com.au) and has recently completed a Graduate Certificate in Child Health.

** Dr McCullough’s books are currently closed to new patients, with the exception of GP antenatal shared care, and mums & bubs consults for feeding/sleep/maternal mental health support. **

Private Fees apply to all patients over 16 years. Dr Kate only sees her own patients, not other patients of the practice.